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- {subhead}View From The Outside{def}{p}
- Article by Joe Deats
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- {p} {p}
- Well here I am writing my second article, doesn't seem like a month
- but it has been. I am now looking for a 4000 to purchase (hint I'll
- buy yours if your selling) and have been surfing e-bay a lot. The
- used Amiga 4000's seem to be going for about 1000 bucks or so, with a
- few add ons. I have been considering a 3000 and even a 2000 Ill just
- wait to see what I can dig up and afford.
- {p} {p}
- Well the Amiga scene is heating up, With a few interesting
- announcements from the home office like a set top box in the works
- and a laptop_..ooooohhh a lap top I would love one of those. I'm
- actually starting to believe that the Amiga will return stronger than
- ever, I'm getting excited about the prospects of what the new OS
- could do for the computer world. If you are like me you look through
- the Amiga news sites everyday hoping for any tid-bit of knowledge
- about what is coming. I keep trying to not get to excited; I mean
- what if this all falls through, but I can't help it I think I have
- Amiga fever and its getting worse everyday. I hope t o god that all
- this really happens for the sake of all those Amigans I've met out
- there. These people really believe in the Amiga with there heart and
- soul they are some of the most dedicated supporters of any product
- I've ever met, and right now they are happier than they have been in
- a very very long time.
- {p} {p}
- Message to Amiga Inc. Please don't let us down, come through with a
- great product that is stable and affordable and you will have legions
- of people willing to donate any organ of your choice when needed.
- Well until next month keep your eyes on the boing ball and keep
- praying.
- {p} {p}
- Love, peace, and CPU grease
- {p} {p}
- Joe
- {p} {p}